Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Secondary 1 Annual Camp

Secondary 1 Annual Camp

Phew! Luckily, my tiring and dreadful annual camp is finally over! The camp lasted for 3 days and 2 nights. However, i was able to skip 1 night due to some special reasons. For one night, i was squeezing in a stuffy blue tent with 7 of my other classmates! Throughout the whole night, we were bitten by many ants and mosquitoes which disturbed our sleep badly. The first day, we had lots of fun accomplishing activities that required teamwork. Here are some examples of what we did: We had to build a gigantic catapult that was able to fling a water bomb over a distance. Next, we had to walk through a large and thick undergrowth that has many obstacles in it. Our team was to help each other to pass those obstacles. Last but not least, we had to boil some water with the materials that we could grab our hands on. Time certainly passed very quickly when we are having fun. In the twinkling of an eye, the sun had already set without us realising it. The rest of my group members went back to our tent, where they took all their bathing materials. However, as i had Table Tennis competition the next day, i was allowed to go home and have a good rest. Sadly, i only returned to the camp the next night. I was a bit disappointed as i had missed many activities. Luckily, i was just in time for the campfire! Everyone sat in front of the huge fire and shouted many cheers together. We certainly was having a great time together! Soon, it was midnight already and all of us had to turn in. That night was the night which i had a very bad sleep! The next morning, it was about time for us all to go home. I was a bit reluctant, but extremely glad to be going home! I had really missed my comfortable home!

Monday, March 2, 2009

my school