Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Interaction with Humans

Shark fishery

Due to commercial and recreational fishing, it is estimated that 100 million sharks are killed by people every year. Sharks are a common seafood in many places and they are often killed for shark fin soup. Finning usually involves removing the fin of a shark with a hot metal blade. Fishermen capture live sharks, fin them and dump the finless animal back into the water. The now immobile shark soon dies from suffocation or predators. Shark finning has become a major trade within black markets all over the world and poachers illegally fin millions of sharks a year. The shark fin trade has become a major problem and has gained international attention. Conservationists now have campaigned to make finning illegal in the USA.

Shark attacks

A shark attack is an attack on humans by sharks. Every year, a number of people are attacked by sharks although death is quite unusual. Despite the relative rarity of shark attacks, the fear of sharks is a common phenomenon. It has been fueled by some occasional instances of attacks.


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