Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last Lesson of the Afternoon

1a) What are the persona's feelings described in the first three stanzas of this poem? Explain how the poet described these feelings through the use of alliteration, metaphor and pun.

In the first stanza of the poem, the author uses metaphors such as tugged the leach and pack of unruly hounds to describe those naughty students. The metaphor tugged the leach probably meant that the children were defiant and did not pay attention to a single thing that the poor teacher was trying to say. The metaphor pack of unruly hounds was also used and this probably indicated that the children were very wild and violent, thus behaving like unruly hounds. Other than metaphor, the author also uses a very good pun in the first stanza such as quarry of knowledge. There are a few meanings to the word quarry and it could actually mean that an animal is being pursued by a hunter or a large place where stone or other materials are extracted.

In the second paragraph, the author uses the alliteration "of" in the second, third and fourth line. This probably means that the teacher could not bear anymore nonsense from the students and was sick and tired of the whole thing. The writer also uses the pun sick to describe the frustrated teacher. This could mean that the teacher was literally ill or just could not put up any longer.

In the third paragraph, the author again uses metaphors such as last dear fuel of life and kindle my will to a flame. The metaphor last dear fuel of life was probably written to show that the teacher had little strength and energy left to teach the student. The other metaphor kindle my will to a flame probably means to force herself to continue. The author also uses the pun "toll" in this stanza. Toll usually refers to a charge/tax but in the poem, the teacher refuses to bear anymore of the children’s' nonsense.

1b) How is the tone of anger in this poem illustrated?

The writer made use of many good literacy devices such as choice of words, personification and metaphor. In the second paragraph, the author wrote blotted pages and slovenly work to describe that the children’s work were very messy and untidy instead of just saying that their works were messy.

The author also uses personification to further describe how untidy the children were. One such example is the books that lie on the desks. By adding human qualities to non-human object would enhance its meaning.

Last but not least, the author uses metaphors such as tugged the leach, pack of unruly hounds, and last dear fuel of life and kindle my will to a flame. The use of metaphors help to show how rebellious the children were and also how frustrated and confuse the teacher was.

Overall, I find that this is a rather good poem as it teachers us many ways in which we could enhance our poems.


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