Monday, March 1, 2010

To Kill a Mocking Bird

Consider these questions: Is Maycomb a good place to live in? Is Maycomb corrupted? [focus on 2 main themes: Courage and Prejudice]
Since the 2 highest scores in my learning profile are linguistic and interpersonal, I am doing "Imagine you are one of the characters. Deliver a speech on what you think of the above question." and "Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript."

“We are all equal! Maycomb is our homeland. This is where we all belong. Nobody should be discriminated, neither the blacks nor we. What makes them inferior as compared to us? The colours of their skins? No! We are all human beings. They are very much the same with you and me.

Imagine if you are in their shoes, how would you feel? Horrified, disgusted and outraged? What crimes have they committed by just being a black? Why do we hate those innocent people? Our actions now will affect us in the future. They may have once been a slave, but no longer now. We should instantly destroy the mindset of segregation. We should live together in harmony with the blacks.

Despite knowing the fact that he will definitely loose, Tom Robinson has still mustered all his courage to stand before you and I, hoping for a chance. Don't you feel that we should all give him a chance? DO you want others to say that Maycomb is a corrupted place to live in? The future of Maycomb lies in your hands now and i implore you to change your mind. Thanks you. "

Interviewee: Mother

Prejudice is the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. For example there are some employers nowadays who do not practice fair employment. They do not only look at merits, qualifications and experience but also the looks of people. They just would not employ someone who looks ugly despite having all the requirements for the job.

Discrimination means to make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people especially on the grounds of race. For example, the whites discriminated the blacks and they were marginalized from the common community. They were not allowed into restaurants containing white people in the past.


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